My Story

I'm so happy you're here! My name is LyNae Steele. I'm a wife, mother, and grand mommy (to our precious grand-dog), and a lover of all things home!

I love decorating, cooking, crafting, gardening, and everything in between creative! My taste is very diverse, from rustic to elegant, I love my bling! 

You may be wondering the meaning behind the name, No. 3 Designs... Well, when I was growing up, my sweet Daddy called my sisters and I by our number of birth order. I was probably called #3 more than by my name. My Daddy has passed and this was not only a tribute to him, but something very personal and special to me! I think he would have gotten a kick out of the name. 

If you want to get to know more, stop by my live streams on FB Live, every Monday and Friday @ 7:00pm Central! Hope to see you there! 

Love the bling you see in my lives? Follow my Brand Ambassador link for Totally Dazzled here. When you use this link, it supports me.
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